Advent: Watching for Jesus Day 5

Advent 1 2017Day 5 – Watching and Waiting with Hope

God wanted his people throughout the world to know the glorious riches of this mystery—which is Christ living in you, giving you the hope of glory.                 Colossians 1:27 GW

To hope in something is to a have a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.  As Christians, our hope is in Christ.  What is this hope?  Where does it come from?  We may know that Christ alone is our source of hope but how do we transfer that head knowledge to our hearts? How do we bring it alive into practice?

Psychologist and author Edward Welch says, “Hope, as you will find, is a skill that takes practice.”  Hope has been compared to a muscle that needs to be strengthened.  Without hope, we may become weak, sick of heart, discouraged, or depressed.  So how do we strengthen our hope in Christ?  By strengthening our relationship with God. 

  1. Spend time with God daily through prayer and meditation on His Word
  2. Fellowship with other Christians for encouragement and support
  3. Show God’s love to others through service

Set your heart and mind on things above.  When earthly pains drain you of hope, practice hope and live an abundant life in Christ.  Take heart, Christ will come again realizing hope that is founded in Him.

While we wait with hope, continue to love those He brings in your path. 

Have you learned something new about someone today?  Pray for God to reveal your next steps.