Secular Creeds

Secular Creeds-Title

We see them as we pass by on the street: lawn signs proudly displayed proclaiming.


  • Science is Real (April 16)
  • Black Lives Matter (April 23)
  • Women’s Rights are Human Rights (April 30)
  • Love is Love (May 7)
  • No Human is Illegal (May 14)
  • Kindness is Everything (May 21)

 In many ways, these signs act as a kind of “Secular Creed” for our society today; the word creed being taken from the Latin credo which is a statement of belief.

“Seeing signs like this, Christians tend to grab hammers. Some grab one to drive the sign into their own lawn. They lament racial injustice, they believe in diversity, they know women are equal to men, and they’ve been taught that affirming gay relationships, trans identities, and pro-choice positions comes part and parcel with these other things…Others take up hammers with a different plan. Knowing that the Bible rejects some things that underlie this modern creed, they swing a hammer to flatten the sign. Perhaps not literally, but in their hearts and minds. If these ideas stand together, they must all be wrong…”

pgs.11-12, The Secular Creed by Rebecca McLaughlin (The Gospel Coalition: Austin 2021)


In this series, we want to take a different approach: to carefully examine each claim through the lens of Scripture and in light of culture as we aim to disentangle ideas Christians can and must affirm from ideas Christians cannot and must not embrace. Furthermore, we want to see where there are open doors to the Gospel through the conversations that these statements spark, because we believe that God’s Word provides both a challenging and hopeful road between these often polarizing debates, one that ultimately points us to Christ and His Kingdom.


Trinity Church Locations and Worship Times

Trinity Galewood1701 N. Narragansett Ave, Chicago, IL 60639 [directions]

Worship Times: Sunday - 10:30 am  

Trinity Green Trails - 2701 Maple Ave., Lisle, IL 60532 [directions]

Worship Times: Sunday: 9:00 and 11:00 am 

Trinity Kimberly Way - 1101 Kimberly Way, Lisle, IL 60532 [directions]

Worship Times: Sunday: 8:30 and 10:00 am

Join Us at Home - Online Worship

Worship Times: 9:00 am online live stream from Trinity Green Trails