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God Does Amazing Things Through Us

October 15, 2017 Speaker: Series: This is Us

Topic: Trinity's Mission Passage: Acts 3:1–3:26, Acts 4:23–4:31

This story of the lame beggar who is healed is repeated a number of times in the book of Acts. Again and again God does miracles, and each time those miracles give an opportunity for the Gospel to be proclaimed. The miracles are not the end, the Gospel is. But the miracles create an opportunity for the Gospel to be heard. God still does miracles today! Some are beyond human understanding… like healing of body and mind. Others are not necessarily “miraculous” but defy logic – like a church taking on a huge capital campaign at the worst possible time and seeing God bless it! But in all cases the goal is clear – that God’s kingdom might be shared in the world.